Friday, October 2, 2009

Photo 44

I got Michael early today from school since I was finished with my assessments and treatment plans. When I arrived, he was OUT!! I mean drool, smooched face and all. It was priceless! So me being a camera happy mommy, I ran to the car to retrieve our camera :) Of course, when I got back into the room, here he is!! Awake :) Well, kinda awake but he was happy to see me because he knew that it was time for Mommy and Michael's Friday trip to Walmart!

1 comment:

  1. poor tuckered out guy...I am cracking up that you ran out to the car to get your camera...that is totally something I would do!

    I also love that you guys have a Friday trip to WalMart. I am a routine kind of girl!
