Michael's new feeding spot :) So everyone knows I'm totally anal about the house being clean, things being in its place. Sad I know but I can't help it :) I decided to move Michael's highchair into the kitchen tonight since it is easier for me to watch him while I cook, which only happens during Volleyball and Baseball seasons because again, we all know I don't cook ;) Anyways, I feel much better about him eating in here over the tile since I want to feed him messy foods because we all know that toddlers love spaghetti, ravioli and such. So now he can make a mess and all we have to do is mop! No carpert is being stained :) Hurray!
oh my gosh....we had the same problem with Ashton. Toddlers should always be fed on tile...wait until he learns to use utensils which is coming soon!