Saturday, November 7, 2009

Photo 79

Like father, like son...

We took a trip to Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa for Mike's 37! Well, as I'm sure you can tell by the picture, the boys had a pretty darn good time! And no, Daddy was not posing! Something really caught both their attentions... monkeys! This photo makes me giggle every time I see it :)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Photo 78

Happy 37th Birthday to my most wonderfulist hubs and baby Daddy!!!

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Photo 77

Good morning! The boys have a routine each morning, which pretty much includes weekends since Daddy's lets me sleep in. The Rasdall boys just LOVE their ESPN Sportscenter and Daddy decided to snap a photo of them enjoying their morning treat! Oh how I love them :)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Photo 76

Tonight after we grabbed some Sushi for dinner, we decided to stop by McDonald's and hit up the deserts :) Mike ordered a simple vanilla cone and let Michael try it once we got home. This is the first time that Michael has actually wanted to eat anything sweet and cold! He didn't each much but he def had hold of the cone for a few minutes, taking bites. He sported a nice ice cream mustache too!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Photo 75

So, I don't know, maybe 2 weeks back I posted Michael climbing on his car? Well I had mentioned in the post that we thought it might become a daily thing... it has!! He officially climbs everything!! Lil stinker :)

Monday, November 2, 2009

Photo 74

It is the beginning of a new week which means we have to pack tons of items into Michael's bag for school. Items include: sheet, blanket, lunch and snack, bibs, extra clothes, wipes and of course, diapers!! The best part, I get to label all 30 or so each week! Can't wait until our lil man is potty trained, but then I guess I have to label underwear :)

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Photo 73

While I was sleeping in, Michael and Daddy were having a blast downstairs! Michael went to town on the bathroom, ripping off toilet paper, tracking it around the house :) When I came down, it was nice and clean but Mike showed my the damage Michael did with pictures and video! He is our "lil handful." :)