Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Photo 42

Yes, Michael is now wearing 5's!!! He is getting too big for our liking :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Photo 41

Our monkey seems to like CapriSun! I had bought it for me and figured I would let him try it :) He has never been successful with drinking from a straw but I figured, what the heck, let him try :) Once he figured out how to use the straw and got a taste of the juice, he decided he was going to drink 3/4 of it!!! Michael seems to enjoy anything we give him these days :)

Monday, September 28, 2009

Photo 40

Tada! Michael's dresser is complete and in place! Because we got rid of the bookcase, we took a big basket that Auntie Charlotte had given us and put Michael's books in it :) We then took the pillows that she made and created a little reading corner :) At night, we will pull the pillows out, get comfy and read! Thanks to the addition to the dresser, the closet has so much more room too! We feel like his room is finally complete!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Photo 39

Today we put together Michael's dresser! Well, Daddy put it together with Michael's help :) He wanted to do everything daddy did. He even enjoyed playing with the power tools! He would get so excited anytime Daddy would use his loud, cordless screwdriver :) I would say he is all boy but he also helped me with the laundry today :) One day, he will make some little lady very happy!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Photo 38

Today Daddy had to drive to Brooksville for a Volleyball tournament so Michael decided that he wanted to meet up with his girlfriend Brooklynn :) Amy and I figured Barnes and Noble would be the best place as it is still SUPER hot here in good ole Florida, plus we would be able to get Starbucks, as we both are addicts :) The kids just LOVE each other, giving kisses and copying each other constantly. Here, Michael decided to follow Brooklynn to the book self and attempt to climb up with her. Notice his hand on her leg ;) They are just too precious together! Afterwards, we went to ToysRUs and found the perfect Halloween costume. I'll post that next! This morning was a blast with the Pozdol ladies but we can't wait for Daddy to get home this afternoon!

Friday, September 25, 2009

Photo 37

He is such a ham!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Photo 36

Michael is winding down for the night. He loves to snuggle in the pillows and suck his thumb. It is still hard to believe that he is 1 and becoming such a big boy!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Photo 35

This is the set to "Elmo's Green Thumb!" Thanks to our good friends, The Pozdol's, who gave us their free tickets, we were able to take Michael to see Sesame Street LIVE in Gainesville tonight! So he totally loved it as we knew he would! Especially Elmo and Cookie monster :) It was too cute to watch him throughout the show, as he giggled and pointed at the characters the entire time. Daddy and I really enjoyed it as well as we are for sure going again next year!!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Photo 34

As we all know, Mike does most of the cooking in this family. Tonight, he made us steak with mushrooms and baked potatoes!! So yummy and so sweet :) I'm super lucky!! I love him ;)

Monday, September 21, 2009

Photo 33

The last few days, Michael has been making his way into the dinning room to play on this big box. It is his dresser that my parents bought for Michael for his birthday but unfortunately some of the pieces were broken so we now await new pieces. Anyways, Daddy was home with Michael tonight and caught the little guy messing around on the box! Being the great Daddy that he is, he snapped a photo just for me to blog! Thanks Daddy!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Photo 32

As we all know, Michael loves Sesame Street. I was able to get a photo of him just relaxing on the floor, watching his most favorite TV program :) The best news? Michael gets to see them LIVE in Gainesville on 9/23 thanks to Michael's girlfriend Brooklynn and her family :) Amy had won some free tickets and was so kind to give them us! We are very grateful and lucky to have them as friends!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Photo 31

Michael's new ride :) 2010 Toyota Corolla S!

Friday, September 18, 2009

Photo 30

Michael really enjoys playing with his cushy trucks :) While we were on vacation this past summer, Owen gave Micheal his cushy firetruck. One afternoon, we made a trip to ToysRUs and saw that they had a cushy bus! Needless to say, I added it to his birthday wish list and Grandma Cindy bought it for our little guy :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Photo 29

It is a Sesame Street guitar! and it makes ALOT of noise :) This wonderful gift came today from our friends Chris, Kynda and Bailey in TX. So Michael is in love with it and plays with it constantly. Daddy says that we "owe" the Olson's big time :)

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Photo 28

Attempt 1 at finding a Halloween costume for Michael! We found this monkey outfit at Walmart today... $10!! We were so excited but when we got it home, it didn't really fit and Michael refuses to wear the hat. The material is kinda itchy too so I think we are going to return it. He still looks cute though!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Photo 27

The mini Nilla's are no longer the fav snack for our lil man. He has switched back to Goldfish. I buy the lil ones for Michael now because Dad goes through his BIG box usually in 1 week so this way, Daddy doesn't eat Michael's! It works out for everyone :) Both my boys are happy!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Photo 26

Michael loves to snuggle :) We had gone upstairs to his room to practice his walking and apparently he had had enough so he dropped to the floor, grabbed his blankie and got comfortable :) Of course, we took a photo just for the blog!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Photo 25

Michael's new kicks!! Daddy and I picked these up at Baby Gap :) They are perfect for him now that he is walking... light and they fit his CHUBBY feet!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Photo 24

It is Game Day again! Of course, Michael is in a Gator outfit! He missed the majority of the game as it began after his nap but caught the end. Gators won 56-6!! He has been happy the remainder of the day :)

Friday, September 11, 2009

Photo 23

Our kitchen :) This picture does not actually do justice to how much damage Hurricane Michael does when he comes through. Whenever one of us is in the kitchen cooking (usually Mike), Michael goes straight for his cabinet and drags out EVERYTHING! At least it keeps him occupied :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Photo 22

Michael has come to take over our television now :) About 75% of our DVR shows are either Seasame Street or Pixar movies like Shark Tale, Finding Nemo, etc... Guess we can't complain! Watching Michael watch his lil shows is entertainment enough for us :)

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Photo 21

Michael is now sporting this as his diaper bag :) The Coach bag my mom purchased for us is beautiful but HUGE and can sometimes be a pain to carry around so we usually use that as Michael's travel bag. Mike actually found these (we have 3 others) at Walgreen's... they are those recyclable bags and are so easy to tote around because they are super light :) Thanks daddy for finding us more Gator gear!!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Photo 20

Tippy toes!! We LOVE this photo so we had to post it :) Michael was trying to get something out of the bottom of his toy chest. He finally reached whatever it was :) He also does this when its bath time. He gets so excited and wants to get in right away, even before the bath is ready for him! He is so impatient! I know he doesn't get that from me ;) Anyways, he just has the sweetest lil chubby feet :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Photo 19

Today, Michael and Daddy were able to stay home and spend the entire day together, Mama free :) It is Labor day and I decided to work the holiday since my clients are home and I don't have to be in "dress code." Daddy snapped this photo for the blog! We have altered his meal schedule again since he will be entering the 1 yr old room soon. So Daddy now gets him up at 7 am, feeds him breakfast with a cup of milk! Followed by a snack at 9, lunch at 11, nap and then snack at 2, milk at 4 and dinner at 6 still :) They really enjoyed their boy day together!! When I got home, Michael just kept going on and on about how much he loves his Daddy :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Photo 18

Michael has become a pro at blowing kisses! Not only does he blow kisses but he makes the "muah" sound with it!! He is also all about kissing Mommy and Daddy as well as all his little friends at DC :) It is too precious. He is just the most lovable, wonderful lil boy!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Photo 17

It's game day!! Michael is decked out in his GATOR gear, ready to watch some Florida football!! Daddy even worked on teaching Michael the Gator chomp tonight, which was just too cute for words :) When our time comes to relocate to Colorado, this is something I hope travels with us... Our love for FL football :) It has and always will be my most favorite college team and I will do my best to bestow my Gator love unto Michael. Just means we will have to stock up on kids Gator clothing before we go!

Friday, September 4, 2009

Photo 16

Our lil man is going to be a pianist! He LOVES this toy soooo much that he threw a temper tantrum when I pulled him away for meal time :) Michael enjoying his piano excites me because I began playing at age 4 and loved it and I can't wait to teach him!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Photo 15

Michael's new feeding spot :) So everyone knows I'm totally anal about the house being clean, things being in its place. Sad I know but I can't help it :) I decided to move Michael's highchair into the kitchen tonight since it is easier for me to watch him while I cook, which only happens during Volleyball and Baseball seasons because again, we all know I don't cook ;) Anyways, I feel much better about him eating in here over the tile since I want to feed him messy foods because we all know that toddlers love spaghetti, ravioli and such. So now he can make a mess and all we have to do is mop! No carpert is being stained :) Hurray!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Photo 14

Ok, so it has been 4 days since Michael's party and we STILL have balloons all over the house and Michael LOVES it! They totally keep him occupied for long periods of time too! It has become a birthday week since Michael continues to receive wonderful presents from our friends and family. We love you all and thanks again for thinking of our little man!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Photo 13

It is finally here!!! This is Michael's dresser :) It was a birthday present from Grandma and Grandpa Ludwig! We have been wanting to get lil man a dresser for quite some time and the grandparents came through for us! We didn't think we would need one when Michael was born since his clothes are so small and he has 2 closet's but little did we know that a dresser would be essential as Michael has accrued TONS of clothes! Now Daddy just has to put all 117 lbs of it together! We can't wait!!