Monday, August 31, 2009

Photo 12

New favorite snack! Not only does Michael like them, so does Mommy and Daddy! Thanks Amy and Brooklynn for letting us in on your sweet toddler treat! We love them!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Photo 11

Michael is finally able to face forward! The best part of the day was not flipping the car seat but that Grandma Cindy came to visit, bestowing MANY presents unto Michael. We also decided to trip to Cedar Key as Gma had never been and it is our favorite spot in FL. We spent the afternoon enjoying some fantastic seafood, strolling around town and purchasing a few goodies for everybody :) The mini day vaca just topped off Michael's birthday weekend celebration!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Photo 10

It is party time!! Michael got to spend his day with 4 friends... Ellie, Brooklynn, Rainey and Luke! He was nothing but smiles and giggles, esp since he got to flirt with 3 little ladies for 3 hours! We are so thankful for all our friends who came and spent this special day with us!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Photo 9

Michael's big party is tomorrow afternoon so Mike and I were up all night prepping for the event. We spent way to much money on decorations but it was totally worth it as the house looked just precious in its safari decor! Check out our family blog soon as we will post, in detail, Michael's big day!!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Photo 8

Michael turned 1 today :) We took him to see Dr. Harrell for his 12 month check up and he weighed in at 24 lbs 13 oz and is 29.5 inches! He also received 3 shots but did wonderful. After our appointment, we decided to treat our little man to a birthday dinner at Cody's where Michael was able to enjoy Salmon, tortilla chips, mashed potato's and bread! We just love our baby boy so much and can't for all that the future holds :)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Photo 7

First, I would like to apologize for the quality of the picture. We went out to dinner tonight and forgot our camera! When Mike got home, we decided to give into our cravings and head out for some Sushi. We go to this new little place called Grace Sushi and the food is wonderful! They know us well since we go at least once a week and the waitresses just adore Michael :) We decided to let him sit in the booth after we finished our meal and he was so obsessed with looking over to smile at the people sitting behind Mike. He is just too precious for words and it is hard to believe that he will be 1 tomorrow!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Photo 6

It is all about the mohawk!! He doesn't have a ton of hair but he still looks super cute! Lil man still isn't feeling well so we only got a half smile. Hopefully his ear infections will be gone by Saturday since it will be his First Bday Party with all of his little friends!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Photo 5

Our lil man is sick :( So today Michael and I are at home, trying to rest and catch up on our zzzz's! I was able to get this shot this morning right before he conked out for an early nap but the poor sick baby wouldn't smile for me :( Anyways, this bat is his most prized possession right now. The great thing is, this toy incorporates both Mommy and Daddy's favorite things... baseball for Daddy and the GATORS for me :) Hopefully we can get him to another baseball game this season because he just loves the sport!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Photo 4

45.3 miles to a gallon! It is an understatement when I say I love my car. Would you believe that I actually get 50-52 miles a gallon when I don't drive the interstate? Before we moved to Fore Ranch, I would take 441/27 which is stop and go and would average like 50 mpgs! However, now I take the interstate and it has dropped some but 45 still isn't too shabby!! The best part? My car is super quiet which is great for Michael when he is napping on road trips. Toyota Prius' are the bomb diggity!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Photo 3

Our cool fridge!!! For the longest time, we had like nothing on the darn thing. One afternoon, we were walking through ToysRUs (our most favorite store!) and Mike spotted these... fridge letters!!! Needless to say, I spent an hour trying to be cute and creative with what I put up. There are times I come home and find that Daddy has been messing with my artwork. You always know when Mike gets to the letters... the words are usually inappropriate but Mike just uses the excuse that Michael can't read yet. What a wonderful hubby he is :)

Friday, August 21, 2009

Photo 2

One of my very best friends from college, Kristin, is having a baby... BOY! This is very exciting as Micheal will have a new "cousin" come December :) So of course, I weeded through 3 tubs of Michael's 0-12 month clothing and came up with a HUGE box of stuff to send her. I didn't realize how difficult it would be to part with some of his things but I kept the items that were most sentimental :) Don't think I could have done it without Mike as I wanted to keep everything but I know little Chase Hunter Webb will get good use out of them!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Photo 1

We totally have Michael on a set routine and he does amazingly well with it. Part of our evening includes bath time between 7:30 and 8! Every night, we use his bath letters to make several words. Michael loves to help and does so by either putting letters up or taking them down (which means they usually end up in his mouth). So here are some words we taught him tonight! This also helps me with my spelling :)